For your security and protection, all debit and credit card transactions are processed through PayPal. No PayPal account is required. Did you see something that Audio-Depot sells on another website? We sell it here for LE$$!!
When you purchase from Audio-Depot you can rest assured that you will receive a brand new and unopened item unless it was clearly labeled otherwise from the start. Customer returns and other bstock are sold here, usually at about a 50% discount!
These b-stock items are one or more of the following: Open Box, Customer Returns, Trade Show Demos or Refurbished. In most--but not all--cases they have the full manufacturer's warranty and include all accessories. In some cases we throw in additional accessories. In the first couple of lines of the description we always point out missing accessories or accessories that we can not verify as being usable such as coded software.
B-Stock items are always in like-new condition (with possible marring but no actual scratches) unless otherwise stated in the first few lines of the description.
We do our best to check for cosmetic damage and operational functionality. In the unlikely event that you find a previously unnoticed defect we will refund, replace, or repair the unit at our expense.